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Digital X-Rays
Oregon City, OR

A child sitting in a dental chair at Great Grins for KIDS - Oregon City in Oregon City, ORExams are an important part of your dental visit. They allow us to spot the earliest warning signs of issues, such as tooth damage, decay, and gum disease. However, your mouth is made up of several parts. There are only so many parts of your mouth that can be seen with the naked eye. To provide you with the best possible oral care, we need to have a complete picture of your mouth, including the hidden components. At Great Grins for KIDS - Oregon City, we can see these hidden areas of your mouth with digital X-rays.

What are X-Rays?

An X-ray is a type of image that provides us with a unique look at the otherwise hidden areas of your mouth. With these images we can see all kinds of things like cavities between your teeth, damage to the tooth roots, abscesses, cysts, issues with your jawbone, and so much more. X-rays are not only important for monitoring the health of your mouth, but they are also crucial for making accurate diagnoses and providing you with the best possible treatment plans.

The Issue with Traditional Technology

X-rays have been used in dentistry for decades. However, older technology does come with some serious issues. One of the biggest issues with traditional X-ray technology is that it relies on radiation to capture pictures. For many patients, the idea of radiation exposure can be off-putting and can lead them to avoid having any images, or dental treatment, at all. Avoiding X-rays, and dental treatment altogether can significantly increase the risk for severe oral health complications.

The other major issues with traditional technology are that it takes time to develop images. This takes valuable time away from your appointment. If there is an issue found, you may not have enough time to go over the diagnosis fully. You might not fully comprehend your treatment options, and you may go home confused and even frightened.

Modern X-Ray Technology

Modern X-ray technology still captures this unique view of your mouth. However, instead of relying on radiation to take the pictures, this technology uses electronics. To take an X-ray, we place an electronic sensor in your mouth. The sensor is attached to a computer in the room. We can hit a few buttons and easily take the images we need. Moreover, within seconds, the images are displayed right on the computer monitor.

Digital X-Ray Benefits

There are numerous benefits associated with digital X-rays. These benefits include:
•  Minimized radiation exposure. With digital X-rays, your exposure is reduced up to 95%.
•  Capturing images is fast and easy.
•  Your images do not have to be developed in a separate room. Instead, they appear almost instantly on a computer monitor.
•  With the use of specialized software, we can manipulate the images so that we can see the smallest details of your mouth. We can zoom in, enhance, and even change the colors.
•  Because we do not have to leave the room or develop images, we can spend more of your appointment going over your diagnosis, and your treatment options. We can help you to fully understand what is happening and can answer any questions that you may have.

Digital X-rays provide us with a way to see the condition of your whole mouth, enabling us to make more accurate diagnoses and better treatment plans. Call Great Grins for KIDS - Oregon City at 971-470-0045 for more information today.
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Digital X-Rays | Great Grins for KIDS | pediatric dentist Oregon City
At Great Grins for KIDS - Oregon City, we can see the hidden areas of your mouth with digital X-rays. Call Great Grins for KIDS - Oregon City for an appointment today!
Great Grins for KIDS Oregon City, 911 Main Street, Suite 140
Oregon City, OR 97045 / 971-470-0045 / / 9/5/2024 / Key Phrases: pediatric dentist Oregon City OR /