Why the Earlier Treatment?
Orthodontists believe that the best time to make orthodontic skeletal changes is while a child's bone structure is still developing. Also, front teeth that stick out too much are definitely more likely to get damaged from falls or sports injuries.
The first phase can be called Early Orthodontics and usually occurs between 7 to 10 years of age. This first phase is used to correct such problems as incisors that protrude severely, severely rotated incisors, teeth that are erupting in the wrong direction (sometimes called ectopic eruption), and cross bites.
Because two phases of appliances costs more in time, money, and patient tolerance, we reserve Early Orthodontics for patients who can really benefit from it the most.
Discussing the Early Orthodontic treatment option does not mean that all kids will receive orthodontic treatment early; it is simply a good idea to get things started early in order to determine the best treatment plan for your child. Read More About When to Start Braces.
If you have any questions, or if you'd like to schedule an appointment please give us a call at 971-470-0045.